Choose your flexible hourly package

We take care of things so that you don't have to and support you in your private life from A to Z. Our flexible hourly packages offer something for everyone. Whether you just need an extra hour, several hours a month, or even regular monthly support.

  • All completed tasks are logged in a time booking tool.
  • The time required to complete your tasks will be deducted from your time credit.
  • You receive a monthly overview and thus have full transparency and control.

The following applies to all hourly packages:

✔ 3 months validity

✔ Billing in 5-minute increments

✔ Monthly update of your time account

✔ Service hours Mon-Fri: 8:00-18:00

✔ Service area Berlin

✔ For services outside the office, a one-time travel fee of 30 minutes per task will be charged.

✔ all prices include 19% VAT

Can’t decide which package?

Not sure yet which package suits you best or how a personal assistant for you would work? Drop us a line or book a free info session and we’ll tell you all about how we can assist you.